The Magic Touch: Dave Franco on "Now You See Me 2" | Interviews
Are there any characters from your past that you think about more than others? Or you look in the mirror and you think, "Oh, I remember that?"
Um, not really. I’m not the type of actor who goes home at night and can’t get rid of the character. I’m pretty good at turning it on and off.
Do you think with a really dark role, that would be the case?
Who knows. That’s something that I’m interested in, doing something more serious. But that being said, I don’t want to have my next five movies be these serious movies and then all of the sudden [I] become this dramatic actor who’s crying through every movie and who is having to just work themselves up before every scene. That just doesn’t sound as fun to me as coming to set and trying to make each other laugh.
Do you kind of have a constant idea of what your image is as an actor?
Well, from an outsider image, how would you describe me as an actor?
Well, I think you’re pretty funny, like in "Neighbors."
But could you--this might be tough for you to answer in front of me—but do you think it would be tough to accept me in a serious role?
And I hope this is the reason for it, that with my brand of humor, it’s not like I’m the super goofy broad comedy guy. My humor comes from just being put in a bizarre situation and playing it as real as possible. So in my mind, I think I can make that leap. I just don’t know what audiences will think. That being said, I have this movie coming out at the end of the summer called "Nerve” that is definitely more serious, and I don’t think I’m funny at all in that movie, and hopefully people can accept that. That will be the first test. As much as I do love doing comedies, I do want to explore other genres too, which I have been recently. It’s fulfilling for me and the audience as well, where I can do things outside of comedy.
I have to ask you about another upcoming lead role for you—“The Masterpiece," James' film about Tommy Wiseau making "The Room." I need to see this movie.
Dude, it’s good. It’s unbelievable that they allowed us to make this movie. And this one isn’t an easy one to make. Because you want to make it in a way that super fans [of "The Room"] will love it and be able to take away these tiny moments, that you can only appreciate if you’ve seen the movie multiple times. But, you want it to be accessible enough for people who have never even heard of “The Room,” and so it is this weird balancing act. But I’m telling you, I saw a cut of it recently, and it works. And my brother should win awards for this role. And like, we treated it very seriously, we didn’t want to make this broad comedy, we wanted it to be true to the story. And it's weirdly touching and inspiring.